
Free Kindle Books About Wicca

I'm always "Liking" things on Facebook and one of them is The Pagan Writers Community. This morning they sent out a post about a free kindle book about Wicca. I like anything that's free, so when I saw those perfect four letters in a row, my eyes stopped to read more. This is what I saw:

Mark Carter: "Check it out. Gerald Gardner's novella 'High Magic's Aid' is free for Kindle users today. Be sure to grab it. It's a key piece of modern pagan history and it's actually better written than most people realize."
So, I went over and found High Magic's Aid on Amazon.com. The paperback is regularly priced $18-19 (depending if you bought it  used). The kindle is regularly priced $8.99. So this is a great deal! I downloaded it!

Now, let me take a step back and mention that I don't even own a Kindle! But what I do have is the free kindle app for my cell phone. You can get free Kindle reading apps that will even allow you to read these free ebooks right on your computer!

Of course, this got my mind turning and I wondered how many other free Kindle books about Wicca there were. I ended up downloading 11 free Kindle books about Wicca or Paganism! I think a couple of them were stories that featured Pagan and Wiccan characters, and others were more for learning. I basically did a search in the Kindle section of Amazon for "Wicca" and then sorted by price, and all the free Kindle books were right on the first pages! But if you click right on the link to the word Amazon you'll get right to that page.

So, go grab some free Kindle books about Wicca and then let me know how you liked them!

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