
Magical Things In The Most Unmagical Places

It's really "funny" how once you have decided to walk down a certain  path, or put the intentions out that you want to learn about something new, that things can pop up anywhere. For example, I was at CVS yesterday to pick up my son's medicine and I walked by the small book shelf near the pharmacy. I've decided that I want to learn more about herbs for healing, and refresh myself on everything I learned in an aromatherapy course I took several years ago. I felt drawn to stop and look at this small book shelf and low and behold.. right out in front, where these two small books.

The New Guide To Remedies
Homeopathy - Essential Oils - Crystals - Home Remedies
This is a small book, about 4 inches by 5 inches, and 250 pages. And it's AWESOME! I love the detailed information that it provides for every herb you ever wanted to know about, every essential oil worth having, and it tells you all about all the different crystals and how to use them.

Complete Well-being
A guide to symptoms and cures
This must have book is also small, about 4 inches by 5 inches, and 250 pages. It can easily fit into a purse or bag. The first part of the book is an alphabetical listing of every common ailment and some not so common ones, and then tells you all the things you can do to cure it, including herbs, vitamins, aromatherapy, homeopathy, and medical treatments. Then it talks about all these different kinds of treatments, from acupuncture to reflexology, to yoga and laughter therapy, and more.

But, it's so true, that you can find magical things anywhere and everywhere, if you just look, stay alert and open, and if you are ready to receive it. Some of my favorite places to shop are the dollar stores, where I can get altar decorations sooo cheap, and even cute little boxes and jars for witchy things, or frames to hold witchy pictures, and so much more! One thing is for sure, you don't need to be rich to be a witch! LOL!

Brightest Blessings,

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