
Celebrate Ostara On The Radio

Celebrate Springtime!


Spring Equinox Rituals & Meditations with Selena Fox
Tuesday, March 20, 8-9 pm central

Circle Craft Study with Selena Fox on Pagans Tonight Radio Network

Explore ways to celebrate Spring & take part in a short ritual that includes an Ostara Meditation. Tune in or listen later.


My Solitary Ostara Ritual

I am a little more prepared and will do my solitary Ostara ritual tomorrow, on the actual holiday!! Here is my ritual:

Gather prepared items and set up altar

A basket of eggs (real or artificial)
Rose or Strawberry incense
Spring flowers 

*Only light the incense. Everything else will be lit at the appropriate time during the ritual.* 

Cast The Sacred Circle 

Call The Watchtowers 

“I call upon the eternal Goddess in the ancient way, as Earth Mother and Lady Eostre. You who are Maiden, fresh and young like the new buds sprouting from the earth around me. Come join me! Bring me your love, knowledge and understanding as I celebrate the Spring Equinox, when the land is just beginning to show that which was promised at Imbolg. Send thy spirit forth so that I, your child, may feel your life within me. As it is willed, so mote it be!” 

Light Goddess Candle 

“I call upon the eternal God in the ancient way, as Lord of Day and Horned One of the Forests. You who are known by many names – Green Man, Cernunnos, Dionysus. Come join me! Bring me your light, energy and protection as I celebrate the Spring Equinox, that magickal time when light and dark are in balance. Send Thy spirit forth so that I, your child, may feel your light within me. As it is willed, so mote it be!”

Light God Candle 

"Be with me now, oh Ancients, eternal,
Hear now my prayers, hopes and dreams.”

Statement of Purpose:
We gather together, I with Spirit, to celebrate Ostara, the spring equinox, when the day and the night is equal and the birth of new life can be seen throughout the land. This is the time for planting seeds, both in the ground and in our soul. Springtime is for hopes and desires, for new ideas, for balance & inspiration.  

With the Goddess and God candles, simultaneously, light the central candle. 

Read charge of the Goddess 

“Blessed be this season of Ostara,
Night of the Spring Equinox,
Night of balance.
Tonight all things stand as equals; Goddess and God,
Life and death, Dark and light,
All come together as equals as do our young deities.
But the wheel of the Year turns on
and after tonight, the light will conquer the darkness –
Blessed be the darkness, 
Blessed be the light!” 

“Behold the Goddess who turns the wheel,
Blessed be life renewed! 
Let my spirit be as a seedling,
Flexible to the winds of change,
Ever reaching toward the sun,
inspired to grow by the rain,
And grounded solidly in my path.” 

Take the eggs from the basket, saving one for yourself, and set them around the perimeter of the circle, clockwise.

“Tonight  I celebrate the renewal of my Mother Earth and the renewal of my own life as well, for we are all Her creatures and Her children of Nature.” 

Holding the egg in your hand upward, toward the Sun, say:

“The egg which I hold in my hand has long been a symbol of life renewed for as many millennia as our human ancestors have walked the Earth and our Father God, the Horned One of the Forests, has protected that life.” 

All sit and meditate on your own "seed or egg". Think about something you want to do, a wish or a dream. Think of something you wish to change or plant in the soil of your soul, so that it may grow and be nurtured. After a suitable amount of time, the bell is rung. Everybody takes a piece of parchment and writes your wish or desire on it. The "seeds" are then lit from the altar candle, and the ashes fall into the bowl of earth. 

When done say:

“Lord and Lady, receive these, my seeds, my hopes, my dreams and my goals. Let them germinate in my mind and in my heart. Let them prosper and grow to maturity, for I will care for them and encourage them in your name.”

THE GREAT RITE- (symbolic):
(The following rite symbolizes the union between the Goddess & God - without which there would not be life.)

Pick up the chalice of wine or juice and your athame. While slowing dipping your athame into the chalice, repeat the following:
“Chalice to athame as Goddess is to God,
Father is to Mother as man is to woman;
Behold the sacred union of The One!” 

When finished, make a toast to the Goddess & God – drinking from the consecrated chalice.

“I am a child of deity,
I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe;
I am part of all that is.
Though we are apart, we are always together,
For we are one in the spirit of our Goddess and God –
Merry Meet, merry part and merry meet again –
Blessed be!” 

Release Goddess
“O great Goddess Eostre
Mother of fertility and new beginnings
I thank you for the honor you do me this day.
I ask that your protection
Be not only on myself
And on those whom I love
But on the whole world.
Thank you for joining me tonight.
Hail and Farewell.”  

Extinguish the Goddess candle 

Release God
“O great God Cernunos
Brightly burning sun
Father of the Animals
Giver of life
I thank you for the honor you do me this day
I ask that your protection
Be not only on myself
And on those whom I love
But on the whole world.
Thank you for joining me tonight.
Hail and Farewell.” 
Extinguish the God candle 

Release Quarters/Watchtowers

Open the sacred circle


13 Goals of a Witch

1. Know Yourself
Take time to learn about yourself. Keep daily journals as well as sleep journals. Record your thoughts, experiences during meditation, your goals and anything else you think that is important. Use your dream journal to build a base line so that you can interpret your dreams because dreams are the way our shadow self talks to us. Endeavour to heal your shadow self. Use your daily journals to understand your thoughts and motivations. In other words, step back and examine yourself, your life, your goals and what you want and who you really are.

2. Know Your Craft
Study and practice the Craft. Through exploring the different aspects and theories of the Craft you will become more adept and begin to form your own theories and practices that work best for you. Take classes offered in your area such as tarot, meditation among other things that interest you. Attend public rituals to gain insight into how others practice. Talk to other Wiccans and exchange ideas and experiences.

3. Learn
The learning never ends when you are a witch. Read and study everything that you can and never dismiss any knowledge out of hand. You never know where a revelation may be hiding.

4. Apply Knowledge with Wisdom
Use the wisdom you have gained to temper your actions. Wisdom is a gift given to the wise and the wise use their wisdom to make the best decisions available. To apply knowledge without wisdom is reckless and can be dangerous in certain situations. The truly wise never claim to know everything or claim the status as an authority or guru, because no one knows everything. Do not abuse the knowledge you have acquired.

5. Achieve Balance
Wicca is a religion of balance. We embrace the light and dark, the God and Goddess; neither is more important than the other. Both have a purpose. We are to achieve balance in our lives. Such as balance in the self, home, personal relationships, what we take from the earth and what we give back and so on. A balanced life is a good life.

6. Keep Your Thoughts in Good Order
This goal goes hand in hand with Goal 7. As a witch, your thoughts manifest reality in accordance with your will. Once you have reached a level of magical development you can set events in motion without even realising it. A disciplined mind reduces those occurrences and aids in magical works. Your thoughts manifest before words are even formed.

7. Keep Your Words in Good Order
As thoughts manifest reality in conformity to your will, so do words. Words are the verbalisation of your thoughts and therefore carry power. To not mind your words is the same as spreading chaos magically. Discipline in minding your words adds meaning to what you speak and enhances their effectiveness in magical workings as well as the mundane world.

8. Celebrate Life
This one is somewhat self-explanatory. Live your life to the fullest and make every day a celebration of life. Life is a gift from the God and Goddess and they wish us to have a good time while here. Essentially, don't be afraid to enjoy your life.

9. Attune with the Cycles of the Earth
This is one of the basic concepts of Wicca. Our holidays, Sabbats, are based upon the Wheel of the Year, with the Wheel of the Year being based on the cycles of the Earth. We are to experience nature and understand that we are part of it, it is part of us and how it affects us. It is another mystery of Wicca that one has to experience to truly understand.

10. Breathe and Eat Correctly
This one is self-explanatory as well. We are to eat the proper foods and practice our breathing. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy the food we eat or occasionally indulge. What it means is that we should eat a proper diet because it will help to make our bodies healthy. A healthy body not only makes us feel better and live longer; it aids us in our magical works and makes the mundane tasks easier. Learning to breathe correctly aids in the raising of energy, focus, stress relief and meditation.

11. Exercise the Body
This is a difficult goal for many people but it is an important one. Our bodies are wondrous things that the God and Goddess have blessed us with. We should respect the bodies we have been given and keep them in shape. A healthy body feels better both physically and emotionally. We also live longer and are less encumbered during mundane activities and magical ones as well. To exercise the body is to honour the God and Goddess.

12. Meditate
Meditation is a key skill in the working of magic. It allows us to focus our thoughts thereby focusing our will. It also helps us in our mundane life as well. It reduces stress and helps us get through our mundane tasks by being able to focus and think clearly.

13. Honour the Goddess and the God
We should honour the God and Goddess in everything we do. They are a part of us as we are a part of them. We are all connected. By honouring them we honour ourselves and our fellow humans. We also honour our Gods through rituals and celebrations. We do this because we love them and we desire to not because we fear them.

These were featured in Scott Cunningham’s Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner, 1988 with additional information from a website called The Wiccan Way.


Fun Way To Find Your Magickal Name

I have always had troubling finding a magickal name for myself... and mostly I think it's because I actually like my given name and I really relate to it and have a hard time relating to a different name. Instead, I've dabbled with a few different magjickal names. But most of these names have been more for online/pen names and not names that I refer to myself as in sacred circles, during rituals or any other times I talk with the Goddess or God.

I do like to hear of other people's majickal names and find out how they got their name. And I also think it's fun to come up with witchy sounding names! So, just for fun, check out this magickal name generator:

Pagan Name Generator

Have you chosen a magickal name? I'd love to know what it is, if you feel comfortable sharing. And if you don't, maybe this fun pagan name generator will help you choose a fantastic magickal name!

p.s. These types of name generators are also great to help choose pet names! :)