
Solitary Full Moon Purification Ritual

Things needed:
·        teaspoon of rosemary
·        a bowl of water
·        white candle

Go outside to experience the full moon or sit near a window where the full moon shines,

Light a white candle to symbolize the light of the full moon

Cast your circle

Hold the bowl in your hands and light it above your head

By the shining power of the lady's light this water is purified and made clean.

Set the bowl down where the moon light or candlelight shines upon it See the reflection of the light on the water's surface.

When the surface of the water is still hold the rosemary in one hand.

Through the cleansing power of the earth this herb brings purity.

Add the rosemary to the water, Dip a finger into the water and touch each part of your body listed below.

Third eye ( forehead): may my intentions be pure
Lips: may my words be pure
Chest: may my love be pure
Hands: may my actions be pure
Feet: may my path be pure

Feel the power of the full moon's light and the cleansing rosemary move through your body bringing light and purity into every cell. Knowing that this energy will continue to guide and inspire you over the next moon cycle thank the Goddess for her blessing .

Close your circle

You can drain the rosemary from the water and keep the consecrated water for future purifications and blessings, or pour the water into the earth outside as and offering.


Awareness Prayer To The Goddess And God

This is one of my favorite prayers. In fact, I say this every day as part of my daily devotional!

Awareness Prayer To The Goddess And God

by Gwinevere Rain

I seek to know your love and light;
To find the faith within;
To help make everyday sacred.

I seek to receive your wisdom and guidance;
To find answers to my questions;
To comprehend  new ideas.

I seek to see  your creation and gifts;
To take in all that you give;
To view my ever changing life.

I seek to have patience and compassion;
To be as loving as you are;
To help others that need care.

With this prayer today;
I create, inspire, and evolve;
All in the beauty of your love.

Blessed Be.


Wow! It's been a LOOOONNG time since I've updated this website! I've been very busy and have lapsed a bit on practicing Wicca. But things are going well, we are back in our home thanks to a modification from a new mortgage company, and I'm feeling really great. My altar is set up and I'm ready to go.

But where do I start? Do I go back to the basics? Do I pick up where I left off?  I wanted to start studying the Tarot cards this year, but since moving I can't find my cards. Is this a sign from the Gods or just my own incompetency that I can't remember where I put them?

Another one of my goals to help me get back into touch with Paganism is that I've started visiting http://www.ecauldron.com/forum again. Being around other like-minded people is wonderful. And, of course, there is my morning ritual of doing a quick prayer and meditation to the Goddess and God. My daily devotional, I like to call it.  And finally, I'm going to try my hardest to start posting here more often!

Oh, and how can I forget what I think to be the most important thing I'm going to do to reconnect, and that is to go out every day to attune with God and every night to attune with Goddess.

So stay tuned as I blog here about my experiences walking the Wicca path, share items from my Book Of Shadows, and just chat!

Blessed Be!
Aria <3