Well, here it is, 12:32 AM. on February 3rd, and I ran out of time to do my first Imbolc ritual. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Even though I'll be a day late, I do believe that all the right energies are about three days before and three days after any sabbat and esbat. But, in the mean time, here is the ritual I plan to do tomorrow:
Gather prepared items and set up altar
Use melted snow water for the
Milk in chalice, and a bit of
milk in a bowl outside for offering
Extra white t-lights all over
Cast circle
Call Watchtowers – lighting each candle
"Earth with molten core
of light,
With strength and purpose, inspire my rite.
Powers of Earth, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.
Oh Spirit of Earth, be within me!"
"Winds of East, fan
flames of light
To fire my thoughts, inspire my rite.
Powers of Air, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.
Oh Spirit of Air, be within me!"
Fires of South, burn high,
burn bright.
Charge my will, inspire my rite.
Powers of Fire, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.
"Waves that reflect the
fiery light
Flow with compassion, inspire my rite.
Powers of Water, the Maiden awakens!
Come join the circle and share in the light.
Oh Spirit of Water, be within me!".
Goddess Invocation – light Goddess Candle
“Great Brigit, Guardian of
poetry and smith crafts.
I am honored to have you here
and to bask in the light of
your eternal flame.
Please join me tonight.”
God Invocation – Light God Candle
“All the land is wrapped in
The air is chilled and Frost envelops the Earth
But Lord of the Sun, Horned one of animals and wild places
Unseen, you have been reborn Of the gracious Mother Goddess
Hail great God Hail and welcome. Please join me tonight.”
"Be with me now, oh
Ancients, eternal,
Hear now my prayers, hopes and dreams.
Bridigt has wakened, once more as the Maiden
By loving caresses from the strengthened Sun King."
Statement of Purpose:
We gather together, I with
Spirit, to celebrate the promise of returning warmth and vitality that is the
assurance of Imbolc. This is the time to celebrate the enchanting beauty of the
last days of winter, and of the budding promise of life. [with the Goddess and
God candles, simultaneously, light the central candle].
Read charge of the Goddess
Place the tapered candle into the bowl of snow or ice, while saying these or
similar words:
“Beneath the blanket of ice and cold lies the spark of life. May this spark
grow and spread in love.” If you are outside, you may place the bowl near the
lit fire.
As the candle and/or lit fire melts the ice/snow, meditate upon the spark of
life within you: how will it grow and prosper as the days lengthen?
Now is the time for meditation and any spell workings.
Spell workings associated with Imbolc include those for fertility, defining
and focusing on goals for the future, organization, health, and protection.
Cakes and wine
Release Goddess
“O great Goddess Brigid
Bringer of Light and Fire
Mother of the Horned God
Healer of the Sick
Patroness of Bards
I thank you for the honour you do me this day
I ask that your protection
Be not only on myself
And on those whom I love
But on the whole world.
Thank you for joining me
Hail and Farewell.” Extinguish the Goddess candle
Release God
“O great God Cernunos
Brightly burning sun
Father of the Animals
Giver of life
I thank you for the honour you do me this day
I ask that your protection
Be not only on myself
And on those whom I love
But on the whole world.
Thank you for joining me
Hail and Farewell.” Extinguish the God candle
Release Quarters/Watchtowers:
“Spirit of the North, I thank you for joining me tonight. The rite of Imbolc
has ended, but may its lessons remain within. Hail and Farewell”
“Spirit of the West, I thank you for joining me tonight. The rite of Imbolc
has ended, but may its lessons remain within. Hail and Farewell.”
“Spirit of the South, I thank you for joining me tonight. The rite of Imbolc
has ended, but may its lessons remain within. Hail and Farewell.”
“Spirit of the East, I thank you for joining me tonight. The rite of Imbolc
has ended, but may its lessons remain within. Hail and Farewell.”
Close the sacred circle.
“The Circle is open but remains unbroken. Around and through me always flows its magickal
Clean up.
At some point during the next day or two:
Do some housecleaning and
bless each room with salt water and sage.